If you want to avoid possible charges, make sure your maintenance is up to date! Ensure any service lights on your car are taken care of before bringing your vehicle in. You can leave the outside of your car as is, but please ensure that the inside has been cleaned prior to your Mercedes-Benz lease return.
Whether you are over or under your allotted mileage, make note.
All sets of keys, owner’s manuals, boot covers, etc need to be delivered when you return your leased car. If all of these items are not returned, we may need to add the appropriate amount to your Mercedes-Benz lease return costs. This is to ensure the next driver has all the right equipment needed.
Check your vehicle for any additional damages that could cost you some money.
You’ve got the basics of our four-step Mercedes-Benz lease return process, but you might still have questions about the finer points. How do you return a leased car without significant charges or fees? Here’s what Providence and East Greenwich drivers should keep in mind:
When one adventure ends, another one begins! Returning a leased car shouldn’t feel like a chore, so work with our Mercedes-Benz lease return center to complete the process in four simple steps. We’re easy to reach from anywhere near Cranston or Warwick, and you’ll be glad that you chose our team.